Monday, December 22, 2008

Yippie yay yay yay!!!

I got a car... I got a carrr.. i gotta carr!! WHOOHO!!! I happy... oh so happy!!!

In other news.. it's christmas week.. ughh!! It's weirddd.. why so soon?? gosh darn.. I'm definitely not ready for this.. sigh!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS WEEEKK!!!! lol

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

it's snooowwwinggg

I haven't seen snow in so long.. and now it is snowwwinggg!! and I'm stuck inside at work.. and it's freakin coolddd!! But yipppieee.. there's snow flakes.. it's sooo pretty.. I soo missed it.. YIPPIEEE!!! SNOOWWWW!!!!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Thanksgiving whoopla!

so here's some... of the thanksgiving pics... enjoy enjoy! And yes.. there's quite a few pics of the fatty... he's my little fatso.. so of course there'll be many pics of him!
them out playing football

lazying around


more eating....

fatty not gettin his way

fatty being happy cause he got to sit by me.. such a lardd!

the truffles sloshy made.. the ones I helped with didn't turn out... I stuck in to much alcohol and they wouldn't freeze... oh well... I stuck a lot of alcohol in a lot of the food.. the cheese cake tasted more like alcohol than anything else... but everything that I worked my alcoholic magie on came out super good..

Fattso was obsesed with taking pics all evening... he'll be such a great photographer.. when he keeps the camera still and focused on the target

and the turkey.. which I made

Our beautiful duck! Mike made it

Me and the fat one

the Lard chillin

The little brothers... with their auntie

To cute

Anj with the fatties

Kerri and Ethan...

He's soo fatt!!!!

Fattso tryin to be all helpful and arrange the crackers... making sure it was all perfect.. such a cute lard

Me and Mike's in the kitchen.. cookin away

HE's such a chubbbbyyy fattsoooo!!
I don't have any pics of the trifle me and sloshy made.. mine was a bigger sucess.. albiet drier because sloshy stole all the pudding.. but of course because it had more alcohol it was a better hit.. and because I made everyone eat that one... heyyy.. it was my first desert I made on my own! I was pretty happy about that accomplishment.. trust mike to ruin my boastful self by exclaiming that it's dry... tshh!!!