Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Happy Belated New Years

so much to do.. so little time to do it all in... I apologize for my long absence. But I hope everyone had a wonderful new years!!! So much has gone on....
after cmas myself and the other teens, and Paul and Linda went on vacation to the beach... (pics not on my cam) it was a pretty fun time.. we went to South Padre... hung out on the beach one day.. swam in the uberginly freezing cold water and turned bright purple... hey I was happy for that hehehe... Stayed at one of the homes in the area... and spent most of our time on the trampoline (pics coming) fundraised and came back.. yeaa pretty exciting eh?? snicker... then had a small new years celebration where we got rid of two of our dying cmas trees... (pics forthcoming) set off fire crackers... had some dancing/gypsy music and enjoyed my good sprite ( ps. did I mention I'm on PS??) it was fun tho I got accidentaly pushed into the fire... and later had my pants start on fire... pretty nifty... took me a while to realize that the smoke that kept following after me was coming from my burning pants... but it was all good and fun...
This past week I have been in the kitchen with dear sweet maria... such a joy and fun chica to be with.... and last night.. since everyone was on vacation for new years we had candle light service... great times.... so enjoy pics... excuse the laziness to post things... and the business to find the time... luvs to all and hope everyone has the best new years ever!


Anonymous said...

That wouldnt be Calvin now would it?