Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I won't party like it is....

Ever since I was young I hated people singing me Happy Birthday to me. I hated how utterly embarressing it is to be standing on a chair while the household of 30 odd people sang where they're all singing in that off pitched way.....GADDSS!!!! I always used to burst out crying. Theeeee absooluteeee worst thing you could do to an overly shy kid.... and well it seems that I'm still the same. I hate being the focus of attention from people. Previously I had been able to grab a random baby from their parents while I was sung to... made it seem like it's not all on me... but unfortunately.. no random babies this year I can grab...
Hopefully people will just not sing for me.. Goshhh!! The horror... ughh~~~
Anyhow.... ughhh I'm OLD!!! Damn I dislike this.. ONly a retard now looks forward to their bday's... Or a child... Well everything is better as a child.... esp birthdays... so anyways.. yepp bdays were quite the nightmare.. NAd yep they still are.. Blahhh! I think I'll just skip my bday this eyar.... Remain 22... let my younger baby siblings catch up and pass me on by... Damn wish that would freakin work! I Shall find a way to beat gettin older! So all that to say... It's that Blasted day!! YAY!!!
At least most everyone I know and work with have horribly memories... and have pretty much forgotten it's today....

On a later side note... my work didn't forget... they all slowly started wishing me a happy birthday and telling me that they're gonna all gather up by my desk and sing happy bday... oh Lorddd!!! The horror!!!!


Anonymous said...

I like it Livi, the blog change looks good...I told you so! :D!!! Happy birthday my sweet!

Anonymous said...

I hate it when they sing happy birthday to me on my birthday too.

Sloshy said...

Livs you really need to update your blog... please.. sometime soon. :D