Wednesday, September 26, 2007

back home

so sad.. I miss everyone there... adjusting back to a normal schedule won't be easy.. the others are taking it quite well... I will miss my roomies and the great times we had together.. and the visitors to our room.. mainly sam... I miss my sexy..
Sorry no few pics of me and pple yet.. We left to early to get the cd's.. as they weren't done when we left.. sobbers... but I shall be gettin them.. next week or something like that...
But I am here.. alive and well... a bad bug jumped on me and maria, and now we're not the best feeling.. the trip back was horrible.. I felt sick the entire time.. but at least we traveled during the day this time instead of night...
got an old girl reunion of my class when I was a kiddo... with mel and christina.. miss u girlies.. as well as the rest of my roomies... alyx, emi, heather, angela, tina... I think that's it.. and I miss all the other kewl friends I made while there... I miss the home members there too... justin and linda u guys rock and i luv and miss you tons!!!
ps.. girls.. if u found anything of mine.. give it to sam.. or hopefully u did ha


Alyx Jones said...

Oh Livi, I miss you! and everyone else in our room also..I wish I could have seen you before you left! I came stumbling in around 10 and they told me you were gone, sniff. There was tons of your stuff everywhere though, and I gave the wooden bracelet I borrowed from you to Sam..hope you get everything ok. I LOVE YOU! I will keep you in my prayers ok? And write/chat ok! luv_isblind_imnot on yahoo and alyxmj on skype. XX!