Monday, December 03, 2007

I love my home

We're such an odd bunch of pple but we really do awsum like here... great fun times...
I have the one thing I hate in my hair... mayo... I had dry hair so oh stick mayo.. now i stink like mayo and all the guys enjoy rubbing it in how awful I look and smell.. such sweet turds... I convinced one to give me a hug... he hates mayo as much as I do and freaked when they told him he just hugged mayo... another guy here would probably eat it off I'm informed... wretchedly disgusting.. so for now.. to be on the safe side.. I've hid myself in my room.... shudderrrr!!! it's disgusting.. but oh well.. it better work.. I'm gettin weird evil glances from the boys tho.. really making me feel horrible about myself.. thanks butts!!!
other news.. life is going alright.. slowly making the victories I need, and keeping close to the Lord. Had a wonderful evening last night.. well the later parts... just havin sum time with Him. He rocks!!! and sorry bout not havin a pic up.. I was trying... but connection in my room is at the lowest so... gettin on is tricky.. posting pics is annoying!!! I shall try again... haven't really taken to many recently... my cam is collecting dust on my shelf.
We might be going on a road trip to the beach.. mehico side.. and hopefully it won't be before I leave... for a visit to sam.. possibly.. maybe hopefully... but there shall be more trips if I can't in store... We're havin a new disciple that'll come and rejoin.. I'm extremely happy about that.. as it was a great battle that was won through much prayer... TTL!!!! Definately pays to pray desperately for our loved ones out there... and right now.. it's not uploading any pics.. maybe another day guys :D