Tuesday, October 07, 2008

finally posted....

(I had written this before but kinna forgot to post it until just now... so enjoy... these were the days of Hurricane Ike)....
So after dropping my sister off at the airport.. I had gone over to stay at my parents place... mom dad, ang and the kids were all going to Austin.. I could have gone but was to tempted by the idea of a hurricane coming through houston and I always wanted to get some good weather shots.. so I opted to stay.. horrible decision I might add... while it might be fun the after party is horribly depressing..
So we got "ready" for the storm... by doing what? Finding the nearest stash of alcohol and making sure there was plenty of it to weather us through the hurricane... all the local stores were pretty much all sold out of alcohol... like all out.. and when calling my friends they were all gettin ready for a huge alcohol party so me and Jp the only one of my family that had stayed decided to make sure we too were ready.. forgetting about anything else valuably more important... oh candles, matches etc etc... joyfull!! Who needs thatt!!!
Sooo.. after cooking a wonderful dinner out doors and watching it get scarfed down by the rest of the "mob" that was staying over with my parents... Jeremy and Mila... as if it were to be the last ever meal they ate... we hung around watching the news, checking mail and writing last minute messages, and writing out a will (just in case things got bad... pretty much was like... and my rings go to.. my camera goes to.. my computer goes to... and I think that's pretty much all my main valuable worldly possessions... the rest can be just distributed to the family yaddi yaddi yo) so anyhow... the winds at around 12ish started to really picked up I started raiding some of mom and dad's vino and had a glass or two waiting for things to start really happening...
at around 1ish i started getting bored of nothin really happening so was starting to fall asleep when the electricity went out.. so both me and jp wide awake started running around, gettin hungry and havin some wine and wine coolers.. soo yess we're chilling takin pics, posing with bottles pretending to be drinking, then making little video clips... chasing hte kids around.. who decided outside was quite nice to run around in the dark dark by themselves... crazy monkeys.. running around looking for candles and matches, raiding the freezers for ice cream and food that could be eaten before it spoiled and that could be eaten raw.. etc etc... and then yes crash at like 3 and wake up hrs later to a overly quiet that rings in ur ears, and eerily calm weather... WE WERE IN THE EYE!!! WHOOOHOO.... pass out again on the couch.. yes yes.. our wonderful hurricane had passed.. next morning.. nothin to do.. so me and jp slept alllllllllllllllllllll day!! practically.. me catching up on the nights I had lost sleep driving kerri to the airport, driving from Washington state down to Houston... in an overly squished car... all that had added up and so i was out... evening time me and jp were bored so we decided to go driving around to see the damages etc... it was crazy some of the neighbors had trees through the houses... huge ass things that were uprooted.. it was crazy crazyyy.. there were some flooded parts that I was afraid to take the car into so I made jp jump out and walk through to make sure it wasn't to deep.... that night a wonderful thunderstorm.. probably way worse than the actual hurricane night.. it was raining shheettttssss so again with no electricity... the next day we started cleaning up the house, fridges, freezers and yard... our house was pretty sound and no trees had falling into our property so that was a super great thing.. as we had also slept those two nights with our doors to outside open haha.. so we had no flooding inside or anything so it was nice... so yeaa we had a bunch of meat that had to get used to I became creative with havin no nice electric stove to cook that I busted out the grill and made some eggplant lasagna as well as chicken and beef shish kabobs.. they were sooooo goooddd.. i was quite pleased with myself as everything was over this teeny tiny little charcoal grill... so we busted out the beers and coolers and had a wonderful out door meal and evening... along with little hick country music.. yeehawww... no we didn't really want it but that was one of the few stations that were still up and running so we enjoyed it and started dancing around outside... peachyy kewl.. here's two pics jp had taken durin the storm of our "drunken" fun... I shall definitely not post the "news report" I had done.. i sound like a weird person....