Saturday, October 28, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
YAY!! Visitors
Had some friends come over and stay at the house for a while... which hey is always fun... and always livens things up... we had great times.. hanging out and all that other great stuff.... definately going to miss my home when we all move on.. sniff... u guys are awsum..
Anyhow.. we had a small birthday party last night for Aaron and James.. which was bunches of fun.. drinks, cake, ice cream, hmm I think I forgot to eat any... and the games were fun.. it was kewl just being able to kick back, relax and chill.. but yeaa.. in my slightly tipsy state I didn't think about bringing out the camera.. I am now quite annoyed... oh well.. not to mention a slight headache from banging my head on the ground.. quite hard... while trying lean forward in a dead position.. oh well I did better the second time.. and actually thought first, and caught myself before repeating it again... for all those that were there... HAD FUN!! Must do again!
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 10/27/2006 09:47:00 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Changed picture site
decided I didn't like the other one so much... so I am working on a new one... hopefully this one will be a little more.. better.. so here it is... here...
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 10/25/2006 07:41:00 PM 0 comments
Happy Birthday Baby!
Have a great work day haha.. just drink the dew and yea... it'll all be good... actually nah.. cause I'm not there snicker... Luv ya!!! Hopefully we'll be able to work out something so we can have some type of party for u.. ;) but yea.. I'll get you a present.. and NO Irish Cream if u can't drink it with me.. no no no.. won't do... I'll think of something else haha... I'm evil... okay.. great day... loads of fun.. happy year ahead... and uhh.. yeaa.. MUA
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 10/25/2006 12:00:00 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Woke up at 2pm... I'm starting to sleep later and later.. weirddd!! All us teens went to the galleria to hang out for the day.. as usual the boys ended up off on their own.. while us girls and the two babies went walking around the mall.. first stopping at Victoria Secrets to apply make up and try on 20 purfume sprays.. then took the babies to take some pics by the nearby man made waterfall.. I unfortunately don't have the pics.. as I didn't bring my camera.. but when I can get my hands on some of them I shall post em.... and yea.. more walking around the mall.. hanging out with some friends.. then coming home to eat and watch Over the Hedge... my new favorite cartoon.. snicker!! And now.. being lazy checking blogs, blogging, looking at pics.. etc etc.. the list is oh so long... g'night all my friendliess.. have a good merry time doing whatever it is ur doing with a big smile on ur face!! MUA
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 10/24/2006 12:43:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 21, 2006
me and friends
these were taken on anjie's and Jesse's bday... Just a couple I had taken.... during my running around.. I don't have the bar-b-que pics on my computer yet.. but when I do.. I'll post them...
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 10/21/2006 10:09:00 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 19, 2006
computer problems
I HATE IT!! OOSHHH!!! wanna just... bash my computer.. but then it's to cute to break.. but man it's really annoying me...
It decided to allow those stupid little virus's to hibernate in it.. so now I'm infested with those things.. and I CAN'T GET RID OF THEM!! I've downloaded everything I can figure out on how to get rid of them.. but I suddenly discover I have more than I started out with.. now I got popups.. 247... THEE most ANNOYING THING EVER!!!! argg... anti virus programs DO UR JOB!!! NOW!!
Well in light of something else.. shall be havin some fun.. tomorrow is my sister.. Anjie's bday.. whoohoo!!! Shall give her an official birthday post tomorrow.. hehe.. if I have time.. if not it'll have to do late in the night.. I shall be sure to take some pics... and post them... luv you all ;) be good pples now u hear... :D
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 10/19/2006 12:40:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
anddd.. I'm spent
Long day today.. we went from 9 this morning till almost 9 this evening.. none stop putting away and storing a whole foods pick up.. which was great.. got lots of nice things.. but man.. out in the hot garage.. and blazing sun.. man I'm tired.. HOPEFULLY... now I'll be able to go to sleep early.. cause I am tired... but argg.. I can never go to sleep early.. oh well.. sorry I haven't writen anything on my blog.. just seems like nothing new really goes on.. if I stopped and wrote things along the way through my day I'm sure I could come up with quite a lot.. but I've been lazy.. snicker.. so everyone.. just live with the pics I post :Dthinking of changing my avitar... hows this?? PS.. the original of this pic... is an early birthday present for Aaron.. happy birthday baby!! :D
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 10/17/2006 09:43:00 PM 5 comments
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Okay.. something we were wondering in our devotions this morning.. anyone have a reason or anything then please let me know...
When Jesus was hungry and he passed by a fig tree, the fruit wasn't in season, so therefore there was no fruit.. but Jesus cursed the tree, and when they later passed by it was withered and dead. I don't think that it's fair for the poor tree... don't get me wrong.. I'm sure the Lord had a reason for doing that.. BUT... since it wasn't in season... I don't understand why he cursed it... hmm.. anyone have a possible explanation??
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 10/14/2006 10:05:00 AM 10 comments
Friday, October 13, 2006
more pics???
Here's some odd random pics I took recently... yea.. might not be what everyone is wanting but hey... IT'S MY BLOG... LIVE WITH IT!!! snicker.. hope u like them though.. and I shall try and post something worthy of blogging.... some time hopefully..
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 10/13/2006 10:50:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 09, 2006
Saturday, October 07, 2006
hug, hugs, and more hugs
I need a hug... from someone.. hmm.. anyone?? Hope u all have a great day.. days.... future days.. etc etc.. luv ya guys MUA!
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 10/07/2006 09:14:00 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
sat/sun pics
IT'S SOO CUTEEE!! One of the little girls outfits for the competition
Doin her competition! I was able to catch her performance.This little girl is like soooooo cute.. cutest little thing.. seriously.. THE cutest :D
My two hunnies.. they're so talanted.. unlike me.. hehe...
So before I set up for my day of ballooning and working, I got to catch some great performances and competitions. It was kewl...
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 10/01/2006 11:22:00 PM 0 comments
Baby congrats
To Julia and Mike.. and they're cutie little boy...And To Babe and Nick.. the baby is adorableeee!! I love his little whine.. so funny
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 10/01/2006 12:34:00 AM 0 comments