Thursday, November 09, 2006


I haven't posted much recently.. mainly because either I wasn't in the mod to write.. was to busy doin thing.. etc etc..
Me and mike just today finished doin our GED lessons.. I'm quite nervous that I might not have passed... and when I get the results and I didn't I think I shall cry.. oh joy!! Oh well.. hopefully I did well enough...
Since pretty much everyone in our home didn't have passports yesterday us teens went to get ours.. as well as Lilianas.. today the kids went and got theirs...
I'm gonna be book for modeling for the next 3 weeks.. or was it 4.. hmm I think 4.. oh well.. it's nothing real spectacular.. and people keep getting confused about what type.. it's where u just dress up and pose while people paint or draw you.. I'm right now being dressed in a Kimono.. which is awsumly kewl.. and lots of fun... except it's freaking hot inside of it.. and I have to put up the aircon.. which then freezes everyone else.. but it's pretty kewl... though sitting in one spot with the exceptionally few breaks.. it's quite tiring.. and boring.. and after praying and quoting verses till u run out.. you try and think about anything you can to make time pass quicker.. on the whole it's pretty kewl.. though some of those people make me look at myself in a very ugly light... They'll be going on (to anyone they happen to model mind u.. not just me) how beautiful you are... all the different things you do that's so cute.. the smile, the jealousy over how skinny you might be (They're all older aged woman) and how they wish they could wear your size clothes.. it's all amusing.. and u just grin and bear it all... hehe.. it's great...
Time has flown by so fast.. it's weird to think that Thanksgiving is just 2 weeks away.. and christmas.. is.. well a month.. or so away.. carazy.. just seemed like christmas was likee... a month or so ago... oh well.. so much has happened.. good bad ugly laughable.. all that.. anyhow..