Wednesday, June 28, 2006

My mom wrote a rock song?!!

I think that was more of a surprised statement than a question... but yes.. my mom did write a song.. 2 actually.. She wants it to be played next year at Wordstock... man.. I think that would be kewl.. though I can see all us, her kids, leaving the room, to wait until she was done... still it's kewl.. funny to watch her gettin so into her song.. pausing every once in a while to explain when and where she got it.. (ahem... didn't need to know)
anyhow.. other then all that... Aaron, myself, Jade, and some others had gone to hang out... and watched MI3.. It didn't have as much action as the second one did.. and I didn't like the way the bad guy died.. haha.. no not into the whole blood and stuff.. just he's the kind of guy u reaallly dislike.. his kewl... calm presence... just irkable... oh well... sigh.. and then when Tom Cruise decided to jump off that building.. I swear I had to swallow down my stomach!! I HATE HEIGHTS!! bwarff! it was okay none the less.. entertainment only... and man the suspence is so... suspenseful.. lol.. it was kewl... wasn't scary for me.. just yeaa.. kewl! sigh I'll be quiet.. now.. tehehe everyone have a peachy day!