Wednesday, September 06, 2006

and another post..

really in titles I'm running out of what to call it.. it's quite annoying... so anyhow... what's new....
allergies.. for someone whose not normally allergic, I've suddenly got the runny, watery eye, sniffling nose... head feeling like it'll explode syndrome. It's super annoying... Last saturday people thought I was having guy problems.. yea sure... NOOO. None of that... quite happy...
other then that.. the world continues to circle with great pleasure... and I'm in a happy mood.. don't mistake my sniffling, teary eyes as an I'm depressed mood.. quite the opposite.. quite pleased to say I haven't really been in an annoyed mood in quite some time.. Hip hip!!

I was trying to change my avitar.... but my computer is being a stobborn oaf... and it goes into these moods where it decides that it doesn't love me... still it's a sexy computer :D

So here's a pic... I was going to put up before but never got around to it.. haven't really taken any pictures recently... haven't found anything really worth takin pics... oh well.. my dad sleepin with Kaden... it's a little older pic.. the little munch is bigger now...


Anjie said...

Nice livi! That's a real cute one.. I remember that time.. Kaden almost fell out of Dad's hands a couple times.. cause Dad feel asleep.. It was cute and scarry all at once.