Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Simple Confusing Logic

Simple Confusing Logic: Ramblings of the Brain

How can girl not make up their mind… We… Sadly I am stuck in this weird category. What is it with them that they’ll always be changing it? I do not understand such stupidity. Why do I have to be thrown into this confusing mess? Why was I born a girl? They’re so messed up? I hate make up… who the hell invented it? They were just intent on confusing the male. I mean a girl can be extremely hot, with make up. And so butt ugly without it. Of course there are those lucky few that don’t need hardly any… but hey those are hard to come by. Gosh… wish I was one of those odd girls that didn’t need make up.

Who the hell wants to get make up permanent? It’s so fucked up!! Like duhh!! So stupid. Never can change it… always looks the same. Who invented it? A guy? Why? Probably cause his wife is a make up lover and he can’t ever have sex with her cause she’s to worried about ruining her make up. And lip liner. He can’t kiss her because it’ll ruin it. Or maybe she’s some emotional wreck that’ll ruin her mascara or liner cause she’s always crying her eye balls out. Well hey with that I seem to understand… Such a “joy” to cry. But then why do they cry? Why do I cry? Out of pure rage, mental over load? Not being able to express themselves? I think that’s what makes me cry and get so mad. Then why can’t they find ways to express themselves, myself, us, whatever?? Because we can’t express what we need. To box something? I’m sure that’ll help. But how? Cause ur expressing yourself. How can boxing express? Cause you’re venting. Yea… Only way to for me I suppose. No wonder I’m so pent up frustrated… in more than one way… I haven’t boxed in a couple years…

I wish I could read woman’s minds. Find out why they do what they do. They’re so odd. I’m a girl and I don’t even understand them. Hey I’m me and I don’t even understand myself… god that’s so weird. How does that happen... I really pity the male species then. God…. They’re so weird. What makes a girl a tom boy? Some over load in male organs? To much daddy sperm?? Ew… that’s so wrong. But what?

I’m not even a tom boy. I can’t do squat… not true… but… I don’t know… I have talent I know that… but I’m talking about in my boyish way. I was so messed up.

I’m stupid for even saying all this crap. Why am I? Mass confusion? Yea annoyance at my sister. Right, got it. Gosh. That’s how I got into the mind subject.

Okay another stupid question for myself. I just thought that the days this week have gone by so fast… but the week went by so slow. How is that?? How does that work? That’s super weird. Each day passed in a flash but looking back… it took forever…. Hmm... ramblings of a stupid mind. Don’t get it… ha... when do I get myself?

I hate makeup... who invented it? Look I am the same… I can’t make up my mind… it’s about fucking make up… that’s stupid.. I’m stupid… just what I said I hated in a girl and I’m doing it… okay well I was meaning about more serious things. I don’t think I change that much. At least not that I really can remember…. Paused a good while… yea…. I mean I know I am confusing… but hey… even guys are… rambles… ramble…

I’m sure I can impress myself with more of my stupid questions… Gosh my mind is a scrambled mess…

How can boobs loose weight faster then a stomach can? I mean usually since you’re not sticking in food it would be your stomach... but it seems to always be boobs for me… why the hell??? I seem to have inherited all the weirdness of my parents… grandparents… whoever whatever it is.

People are so stupid… They use tons of bucks to look like their biggest role model for what? Ooh they look like Britney or Brad!!! Who fucking cares? They’re so stupid. What’s that going to do? Absolutely nothing. They’re still themselves. They’re still who they always were. Yea they changed their look… but that doesn’t change them. I don’t think I could do that. I’d miss the old me. The real me that came with my own “special” personality, yea not much to speak of… but still me. What’s the use of pretending to be someone your not? Just wasted all that money trying to pretend to be something and someone your not, and who you never could become. Such a waste… just go give it to someone who really needs it. I’m sure all that money could have saved at least one persons life if not 5 today.

Wish I was still that naïve little girl that didn’t know anything… wish I was far away… no…I don’t… I just…. I don’t know… just wish it all different. But I don’t know how.