hmm don't have pics.. and haven't yet asked ur bro to give me any.. so yeaa.. with do without for now.. hope u had a great day.. and sorry I didn't get this up sooner.. luv u none the less.. smoochers.. and big livi hug :D
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
just me...
I think it's kinna weird when I'm chattin with some guy and some joke or something is passed and suddenly the guy I thought was a guy starts "heheing" or "hee hee!" me.. I don't know.. in person I have never heard these pple laugh in a hehe type way.. so yeaa.. kinna weird.. oh well.. I'm bored.. and that's just my opinion.. I only think this every once in a while.. but it always makes me laugh.. so if I'm chattin with you and u hehe, tehehe, hee hee at me.. I might just laugh cause u're sayin that..
anyhow.. life is hectic and crazy... and I seem to be quite relaxed about it all.. when I feel like I should be a slightly bit more hectic... not exactly the whole chick with head cut off look but a little more.. gasp.. the home is closing.. and yeaa.. I'm still gonna be here.. which is pretty much no where.. oh well.. I'm weird.. what can I say... I doubt any home would want a crazy freak child like myself.. peachhhyyy!!! hehe
oh.. just on a side note.. I think these days.. Chick-fil-A is spiking their rootbeer.. I swear last saturday I got drunk.. off of drinking 3 cups of the stuff.. well wasn't drunk.. but a nice foolishly insane... tripping over feet type tipsy.. I had fun.. and everyone thought I was crazy.. though they enjoyed it almost more than I did.. or it was the smell of rotton fish that was wafting through the entire galleria.. very very unpleasant.. and had all us workers blocking our noses...
and oh yea.. I was a skate gaurd.. saturday.. sorry I haven't had much time to post anything.. so my news is kinna late.. and might be lame.. no take that back.. it is lame hehe... but yeaa.. I was bored so hey might as well.. though me and the other gaurd couldn't keep from falling down.. and now I have a bruse on my ass.. it was fun... and we were laughin like crazy drunken sailors.... I am however saddened cause I wasn't able to pop by my friends bday.. he did have a blast.. with tons of pics to prove it.. still I would have made it a whole lot crazier.. hmm good thing I guess I wasn't there.. hehe
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 8/29/2006 10:03:00 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 25, 2006
and moree.....
The view was spectacular... I took most of these pics.. though shelly had a hand in some of them... these may just be nice scenery pics.. but in each one for those who went.. there's tons of memories.. won't expound.. as I think most everyone's heard them all a thousand times.. but I miss the trip.. miss the people.. miss the fun, weird nights (SHELLY). I would add other pics.. but being the choinker that I was at the time.. I decided I'd rather not haha... just enjoy the view.. and BE HAPPY!!!
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 8/25/2006 11:35:00 AM 3 comments
Thursday, August 24, 2006
My dai
sooo.. Right now.. I'm sitting in front of my computer.. dancing to some techno music ( I hate dancing while I'm sitting.. but I'm gettin better at it) and actually I'm waiting to get picked up.. along with some others, to go to do a car wash... but the host is kinna running late.. and I'm dreaming of mountain dew.. while also invisioning many bathroom breaks cause I drank to much dew... I shall try not drink to much (I sound like I'm going to be drinkin alcohol.. well hey they pretty much end up doin the same to me)
OH.. just thought I'd put this up so that those who get confused with my insane body will be cleared up of this weird livi "problem"...
K.. I CAN'T eat and drink (alcohol) at the same time.. I will end up sick and drunk... if I don't eat I shall remain happy and tipsy... until I end up so tired I fall asleep.. (yes anywhere will do)
Eat anything while I'm under the tipsy influence I WILL BE SICK!! So for those of you who think "she'll be sick if I don't cram this food down her throat"... be warned.. I CAN NOT eat anything.. sigh.. now.. hopefully I won't have any more confusion..
So if I don't eat when there's a party going on that doesn't mean I'm trying to "starve myself to death"... no.. just trying to save u from having a drunk sick person.. who will end up in a very horrible mood trying to explain over and over again that I am just sick not cause I drank to much... but cause I ate... :D CHEERS TO ALL U DRINKERS!! STAY SAFE AND KEEP WEIRD!!
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 8/24/2006 01:13:00 PM 1 comments
So funny!!
Well at least I thought so.. it's classical! snicker!!
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 8/24/2006 12:04:00 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Happy Birthday!!
To Ethan, Shelly and Ammar
Shelly already had hers.. but we're havin her party next week.. so I'll take pics then... Ethan's was today, and Ammar's is tomorrow...
here's some pics of Ethans party
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 8/23/2006 12:15:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
a couple of pics...
the day after the wedding... 1 in the afternoon.. and still exhuasted..
Yes there was a reason I couldn't wear a dress for the wedding.. though it looks worse in real life...
Here spidey.. YAY the web actually showed up.. and I'm oh so happy.. no spiders were home..
Nothin special about this pic.. I just really like this plant.. my favorite
Angel watchin over me
I will still be posting some of the wedding.. they're just being fixed up etc etc... and would have taken more pics of the green shrubbery.. but my camera is being an oinker.. and I didn't want the rain to ruin it..
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 8/22/2006 04:46:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 19, 2006
now what??
I'm at a loss as to what to do... still keep expecting a wedding to happen some time... soon... noo.. it's already passed... don't know what to do..
I had the worst sleep last night kept waking up.. I swear I only slept like 3 or so hrs... kept thinking okay wedding day.. so much to do.. make a note of things to take... argg.. luckily we didn't end up forgetting to much...
I think 1 or 2 things.. some drinks.. and a tray... hmm.. I lost more stuff
2 pants.. 1 ripped during the dance.. not nice.. had to scoot backwards into the corner.. luckily I had a change of clothes.. and if I'm very lucky.. no one noted my butt showing.. sigh!! And the other pair... hmm SHELLY?? Where is it??
my shoes.. can't remember where I left those.. hmm.. I love those shoes..
my sunglasses.. ooshhh.. I'm annoyed about that...
and... can't remember anything else...
I think the wedding came out quite well.. I shall be talking about this for the next couple posts here.. heehee... this was my first one to attend... unlike those other lucky pple like the Paone and Bruni family... haha... all's well... I am happy to have been able to attend this one.. and help with all the preperations with Rosie.. had fun.... :D
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 8/19/2006 02:55:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 18, 2006
Congrats to the bride and groom
As soon as I can get my hands on the pics I shall be posting some..
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 8/18/2006 01:27:00 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 14, 2006
A big shout of thank yous!
Here's to those that had a part in my life, a part of my childhood, a part of teaching me, etc etc :D
First and foremost... to Jesus of course.. wouldn't be anything without a whooolee lot of him PYJ!
Second to my wonderful parents, for all the love, encouragement, worry, time (and of course money hehe) that was put into me. Thanks so much... of course.. I wouldn't also be here if it weren't for you guys... wouldn't be half of me without you.
Next... to my great and awsum oh so many brothers and sisters the Lord blessed me to live and grow up with. Another big part of me was all the time you older ones took out of your lives to help care of for me as a kid as well as growing up. I'm sure I wasn't that much of a joy to take care of change feed etc etc... but thanks imensely from my heart... you guys are soo great... I love each and everyone of you. You all taught me something special and I love you guys sooo much.
nowwws where I shall begin to name names hehee... not in that way... but there's some special people that I would like to thank personally for what you did to help me....
To one of my teachers.. Ava.. I don't really remember much really... (Sorry wish I could) but mom talked a lot about how you taught me.. and I'd like to say thanks for being a teacher to me.... I know I couldn't have been that fun to teach so thanks...
Of course to all my other teachers.. my brothers and sisters, mom, dad, Christia, sigh.. way to many to really remember.. I do appologize
To My Home -
for all those who lived with me... during the last few years and from before.. you guys are great.. We have all gone through so much and we are still strong.. You all have been an inspiration to me time and again and I feel privilaged to have been able to share all the trials, battles, joy, and love that we have all gone through. I love you all
Dad, mom, mike, Jp, Ricky, Rosie, Lani, Boo, Shelly, Julia, Liliana, Kaden, Ethan, Vannessa, Charity, Dan, Aaron, Christian and Heidi, Tim and Maya and the girls, and anyone else who came by stayed for longer, for less.. you guys were all awsum... sorry if I have forgetting any names here.. no offense meant :D
To some of my dearest friends -
Shelly you are such a babe hunny.. I love you so much.. thanks for putting up with all my times of.... confusion.. foolishness.. stupidity... tears, scary laughing... etc etc.. the list of all you had to put up with.. is yeaa... quite a lot so thanks for being one of my best friends...
Chiemi.. I love you so much... You mean so much to me and I love you imensely. You are such a sweet special person and I wish I could be more like you... I'm so glad we met that once.... cause hey.. I wouldn't have such a awsum friend other wise. Thanks for your prayers and friendship... they're the world to me.
Luca and Cla... You guys are great. thanks for being such good friends to me... giving me council love, encouragement, being a listening ear... being the thing I need at the times when I dearly need it... A friend. You guys are awsum and wishing you all the best joy and happiness ever.
Nick.. thanks for being a friend to me... You're love and prayers keep me going... you're awsum and thanks for makin sure I stick close to the One Person who has all the answers... and ( babeJoanna) thanks for letting me have such a great friend... I love you both and hope all the best for you both and your coming little one.
Aaron... for being someone who I was close to.. for everything good bad.. etc.. we went through.. for the crazy and wonderful relationship we were privilaged to have had... in the end... I can see the Lord in it... and have learnt a lot since then from it all...
There are so many more people I would like to name. All the friends I've had the privilage of having met, having loved, having cared about I have so many friends and I would love to name each and everyone of you.... but time is getting late.. but I do hope that I'll be able to show each person that has had a hand in my life... whose been there for me.. whose helped me along the right road... whose been a friend, whose counciled and helped me when I needed it... To everyone I have met in my life... I love you all.. you mean the world to me.. and I thank and pray for each and everyone of you!! You guys are the best, and I mean that...
GBY all... Goodnight and stay close to the best Man ever!!! MUA livi
A small list of names of friends whom I love dearly and would like to thank for being friends.. though some might not see this.. and others do.. thanks to all... even if your name is still not mentioned.. write me and I shall be sure to hehe...
Ammar, Amber, Ryan (chick), kisha, mariposa, Lily, sara, Sonia, Suzy, April, Ginna, Heidi, Kimmy, Dori, Nina, Angelina and David, the many Chris's I know :D, Gabe, Jade, Paul Tony, Mel Dieter, Mel Tincher, Jeffrey, Joe, Big Mike, Nat Knight, Kevin Tincher, Dulcie, Sam, Sean, Stefan, Steve, Marianne, Mia, all the friends at the skating rink, Niki, Jer and Mila, Pedro, Nichole, Stephy, and oooh lord.. I know I'm forgetting a good million names.. but I shall try and remember more.. and I shall add them on another posting... but believe me.. I do love everyone of u
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 8/14/2006 01:28:00 AM 4 comments
what I wish
I wish from the bottom of my heart I could make everyone's lives a little happier... a little bit more of a heaven for them. A little more joy to each life. A little ray of sunshine to fill their days.
I wish to be the friend to everyone that they might need. Whatever the occasion at the time. A crying shoulder, a laughing friend, a caring heart, a listening ear, a friendly hugger. Anything at all...
I wish I could give each one of you a hug, each one the encouragement that you might need, each one a listening ear, each one a smile....
I wish I could have the chance to make someone's dream come true
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 8/14/2006 01:02:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 11, 2006
andd.. another bday
To my little sis.. Charity.. Charlie... Charlas... etc etc.. names continue with this kiddo... well happy bday to u... hope u have a good one.. with loads of fun happiness and great presents tehehe.. luv ya
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 8/11/2006 10:37:00 AM 0 comments
oh so sleepy these days... as it is I've had a hard time gettin to sleep so waking up at 7:30 is quite the challenge for me.. thank the lord for nice hot Earl Grey Tea.. which really does a good job.. Gotten so used to tea I have like 4 cups a day... sigh... doin school like crazy... trying to get all smart for next month when I'm going to attempt to get my GED. Pray for me everyone... it's a monstrous task.. and I don't have much faith in myself.. PTL!!! WHOOHO!! yeaa.. also took on the task of studying the drivers book.. gonna take a writen test next week.. hopefully I'll pass that.. I'm sure I will.. and then following week I'll take my driving test... I think I got enough practice.. just gotta practice parallel parking.. other then that.. good to go... sigh... so much to do.. closing the home.. finding another place to go... Ricky and Rosie's wedding next week... it's all pilling up.. OH JOY!!! I shall post some pics soon... :D
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 8/11/2006 12:04:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
I LOVE STARBUCKS FRAPPACHINO!!! just thought I'd mention that... just to make sure everyone knows hehe...
Love swimming in nice pools with awsumly freaky pple while telling the weirdest bizzare stories.. though they were funny.. and shelly.. u were halariously dumb.. no offense.. haha!! luv ya freak!! Gotta do that again!! WHOOHOO FOR MOUNTAIN DEW... my legs hurt like a crazy mofo!! Not kewl.. I still blame u woman!!! I think I finally got some muscles there haha!!
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 8/08/2006 08:45:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 07, 2006
I'm tiredd!!
Spent the past two days ballooning at the galleria while running around after two girls, who are such adorable things.. one in particular.. yes might be cause she's a taurus.. and Lord she reminds me of me... hmm.. don't think it's to good.. but hey it's all kewl... my feet are shaking they're so tired.. that and I did skate a whole ton.... Man I'm tired of galleria... I swear a week is way to soon for me... I know half of the workers there... can't walk around that place.. as big as it is.. without meeting at least a good lot of pple waving hi etc etc... sigh...
my day started fine.. got to the mall a good hr or so before I could start.. so I went and got a wonderful starbucks carmel frappachino... man was the bestest thing I've eaten.. drank.. it's all the same to me.. in a long time... went and relaxed before my stressful day started... some guy that was sitting there thought to strike up a convo... wanted to know why I wasn't shopping on this wonderful tax free weekend... Obviously the guy doesn't know me.. or he'd know how much I dislike shopping for clothes.. or pretty much anything for that matter a chore and quite boring and unpleasant and that I disliked doing it.. and left that task up to my sisters...he looked at me as if I sprung horns... hmm.. he was pleasant enough and looked like chris (my bro)
sooo... still drinking my frappachino I went to start getting ready to balloon... say hi to all the various friends walking about and a lady saw me drinking it looked me up and down and exclaimed how can u eat that and stay sooo skinny... I laughed... yess sireee... a "lord you must be daft... or crazy type of one" not cause I wanted to be offensive to her but she obviously has no idea how hard or long it took me to get so "skinny" HA!!
ahhh sigh... my feet hurt like crazy.. shelly came over and hung out with me... got me to walk with her to Joes so that she could say hi to some friends.. hmm didn't like that idea.. and ended up being forced to walk barefoot for the better part of this grand excusion... BAD BAD SHELLY... I blame u naughty girl... so yes.. that took a better part of our day... Kept meeting pple driving or at Joes that I know... it's kinna weird.... just a run in.. anyyhow.. I'm blabbering.. so yeaa.. then got back to galleria.. started listening to music with shelly while she did some freaky looking dance... sigh... and looked at pics.. got bored and went to the rink where I skated whoohoo!! SO much fun.. it was just me shelly and some of the workers who were playing hockey... kept having to dodge them and their.. put thingy.. whatever that thingy is called.... and I'm quite proud and happy about my skating.. thank the lord of course.. sigh.. I babble wayyy to much.. I'm tired.. excuse me... shall finish my sleepy time tea and definately hit the sack.... Lordy!!! CHEERS U AWSUM PPLE!!!
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 8/07/2006 01:36:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Most people who don't and even those who do.. don't really realise the meaning this word holds to me... I learnt as a small kid how much they mean and how much they hurt when they are ill and mis used. When I put my faith in someone and trust them, that is one of the hardest things I ever done... but I'll give everyone that chance. Once someone has misplaced that trust.. sorry.. but it's gone.. for a very very long time, perhaps always. And while this might be a very cruel thing to do.. I don't deny it.. I've a hard time actually being able to trust people. This trust is one of the most valuable things I hold. I am not doin this as a ways to point fingers at people and say oh look ur in this group.. or I trust you but not you. NO! I am not doin that... I will still value all friendship... but the real true trustworthy and honest friends are the best things I have. I trust them with my life... because they're the ones that know how valuable trust is to me... I just thought I'd clarify it.. as some people didn't really understand what I meant when I told them I trust them. and if I trust someone, I appreciate them to also give me their trust
I would do it just for you,
And share with you its beauty
On the days you're feeling blue
If I could build a mountain
You could call your very own,
A place to find serenity,
A place to be alone
If I could take your troubles
I would toss them in the sea,
But all these things I'm finding
Are impossible for me
I cannot build a mountain,
Or catch a rainbow fair,
But let me be what I know best,
A friend who's always there
- Kahlil Gibran -
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 8/02/2006 12:13:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
odd, lying around pics!
golly haven't posted anything recently.. so here's some new pics... there are others.. I just have to take them off my sisters and dad's computer... that'll probably take forever.. but until then.. enjoy these :D... and don't mind all the mess.
Smooches!!!playin super mario
what a little cutser!the biggest, ugliest bruise I've ever had to suffer for... and I didn't even get it on my own.. no... it was some loser that threw me across the ice cause he thought it would be fun
Posted by Queen of Clubs at 8/01/2006 08:19:00 AM 0 comments