Thursday, August 24, 2006

My dai

sooo.. Right now.. I'm sitting in front of my computer.. dancing to some techno music ( I hate dancing while I'm sitting.. but I'm gettin better at it) and actually I'm waiting to get picked up.. along with some others, to go to do a car wash... but the host is kinna running late.. and I'm dreaming of mountain dew.. while also invisioning many bathroom breaks cause I drank to much dew... I shall try not drink to much (I sound like I'm going to be drinkin alcohol.. well hey they pretty much end up doin the same to me)
OH.. just thought I'd put this up so that those who get confused with my insane body will be cleared up of this weird livi "problem"...
K.. I CAN'T eat and drink (alcohol) at the same time.. I will end up sick and drunk... if I don't eat I shall remain happy and tipsy... until I end up so tired I fall asleep.. (yes anywhere will do)
Eat anything while I'm under the tipsy influence I WILL BE SICK!! So for those of you who think "she'll be sick if I don't cram this food down her throat"... be warned.. I CAN NOT eat anything.. sigh.. now.. hopefully I won't have any more confusion..
So if I don't eat when there's a party going on that doesn't mean I'm trying to "starve myself to death"... no.. just trying to save u from having a drunk sick person.. who will end up in a very horrible mood trying to explain over and over again that I am just sick not cause I drank to much... but cause I ate... :D CHEERS TO ALL U DRINKERS!! STAY SAFE AND KEEP WEIRD!!


Aaron said...

I love the way you write, it's just like you.