Thursday, May 25, 2006

the day never ends!

Haha... Kinna how I feel.. minus the whole being a Cat!

Definately feels like the day will never end.. it's all kewl... besides being in the kitchen all day.. Don't get me wrong.. I loooveee cooking... esp arabic.. which I did today.. yes yes.. the bestest.. seriously.. that I've ever made.. I was so happy, but yea.. all the cleaning and putting away yeaa.. that's when I have trials.. especially when you've just cleaned out the fridge some over happy helper comes and repacks the fridge with the half rotton veggies or garbage that you just threw out.. "look what the lord souplied in provisoning" yea.. he's french.. and is super helpful around the house... GBY WLY!
But hey... all that disolves when you have a very good time humming away while cooking arabic.. I don't think I could get tired of cooking... food was awsum tonight.. did I say that already? Yes.. well only thing it wasn't enough.. always seem to get it so down pat and excelent and yea.. never enough... oh well.. keeps me humble none the less... and to make a mental note to cook more.
In a way I'm glad I don't cook in a big kitchen.. for a restaurant.. I think I'd be super bored of cooking... especially since they usually end up cooking the same menu.. and man some of those menus are preetttyy blahh!!! SOME!!


Amythos said...

oooh...i want your arabic food!! I miss it already. these people don't eat very much here...I'm wasting away!!!

Aaron said...

And yet you, MEOW???????