Thursday, May 18, 2006

Main Events!

While most everyone is posting in their blogs about wordstock.. I'm posting how happy I am that it's over.. Not that I'm not glad everyone enjoyed themselves.. just glad to be getting back into a normal routine.... Hey I'd probably be just as happy and overjoyed as they are... but hey I wasn't able.. so PTL! I shall count my blessings..
Argg.. must shower.. been in the kitchen cooking fish... scaling and cleaning those smelly things... No matter how many times I wash my hands that horrifying smell seems to remain... ooshh!!!

My life is changing all around me,
But one person remains constantly near,
In His loving arms I am safe,
My Master oh so Dear!


Queen of Clubs said...

yep.. I do know how that is... I used to live on a farm where I had to "help out" with that... except the farmer used to think it was great to cut off their heads and then letting them run around until they fall over.. while he'd sit back and laugh... weird.. and this was an old man... probably around 60 or so