Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Quite the day.. my sister had to go to the hospital.. please pray for her everyone... I took the baby under my wing for the day.. which was quite kewl.. he was a happy little oinker.. except when he was hungry.. he's such a taurus... hehe.. chubby little thing...
Formula didn't really sit well in his stomach and he threw up like 5 times in all.. he was soo tired and hungry he just wanted to eat.. but after doin the last one right after I just changed all his clothes from the one he just finished he couldn't take it anymore and just started bawling.. by that time I had a nervous breakdown.... I felt so sad and bad for the little tyke I joined him... and together we made beautiful music.. nah not really.. he did soon enough fall asleep with me cooing in his ear and playing enya in the background... then to take him to mommy over at hospital. Now.. I'm recoperating and getting some extra rest etc time...
Some pics that I had taken of Kaden today.. and trying my hand out in photography.... he's such a poochie

Happy Mothers Day Mom!

They never leave me alone. I am tired!

Yeaa... sure I love this woman!! can't u tell?

Heavenly sleep!


Y.M.R said...

that is one HUUUUGE pacifier!!! haha, sorry, my son LOVES pacies so i bought them in all shapes and sizes...but this one blew me away. oh, and such a cute baby!

Queen of Clubs said...

haha.. no kidding.. when she first gave it to him.. I stared at it... it is hugeee!!